Archive for the Sem categoria Category

Who’s The Man? Who’s the Woman?

Posted in Sem categoria on April 11, 2016 by Dan Duke

“And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed”
(Genesis 2:5-8 KJV)

Greetings dear saints of God may this letter find you in good health and with a happy and joyful heart.

The Scripture quoted above reveals a simple and fundamental principle we all should know. Where there was no man there was no rain, where there was no rain there was no garden. When God can prepare a man, He can plant a garden! America, let alone, the nations of the world are desperate for the rain of God. And all God needs is a man!

Today God is preparing you to be “His man” and that’s not an easy assignment! Clearly I’m not implying there will be only one man but rather a company of men, and women, numbering in the millions. You then, by embracing the discipline of The Lord, are set apart to a high, holy, and costly process. God’s garden is His people. He wants to rain on them but He wants them cultivated and properly tended to. When God has those He has called and prepared to tend His garden the rain will come! Why do “revivals” seem to begin strong and finish weak”? They are not properly tended to. Men take ownership and wrestle with God for the control. A true revival cannot be controlled nor will it be silent!

For Christians today it’s easy to be theoretical in our theology and presumptuous in our lifestyle to the point that we fall far short of our purpose and calling. I fear that would be the condition in my life! God wants, I believe, to “send the rain” on this nation. If that’s true what’s the hold up? I believe the simple answer is in the Scripture already presented. He has no man!

If God has made you hungry for the rain of revival it’s because He has included you in His process of preparation! Fasten your seatbelts my friend, it’s going to be the rife of your life! Hopefully many of you will discern what God is doing and yield to the process. But be aware that spiritual vision and the “wisdom that is from above” are required to recognize The Hand of God in the circumstances you are facing. The higher the calling the greater the price you must pay. The greater your passion and desire for Him requires a greater willingness to pay whatever the cost.

God has a garden in mind for you to cultivate and, therefore, He puts you in His process of preparation. He desires to make you “fruitful, give you dominion, so you can replenish the earth”. That was God’s commission to Adam and it’s His to you as well. (See Genesis 2:28). It’s a notable that the word “replenish” in Genesis 2:28 is the same Hebrew word used in Habakkuk 2:14, “The whole earth with be “filled” with the knowledge of The Glory of The Lord as the waters cover the sea”.

Our mission in life, yours and mine, is to conform to this process of preparation. Our ultimate call as plainly stated is to replenish and fill the earth with The Glory of God! Do you think that’s a high calling? You’re right, it is! It’s the highest and to be called to it is the greatest of all privileges!

I suppose the greatest burden I carry is not for the “lost” but rather for the “found”, those who are wonderfully saved but blind to the purpose for which God has saved them. It seems to me the church has lost sight of God’s eternal purpose and very little if any emphasis is placed there. I agree we are to be blessed and prosper in this life but what about the life one enters when he or she departs this thin veil and steps into the next world? Let me way this and move on. “We are interns in this life in preparation for the next life.” To waist this life is to be unprepared for the next.

As Christians we are looking for a new heaven and a new earth. In the new earth the garden of God will be restored and there will be those prepared to tend the garden. We learn to do that now not then.

You are standing in a “garden” that’s waiting for the rain. You are the man or the woman God can use right where you are. Ask Him to open your eyes to recognize the little trees of righteousness sprouting up all around you to whom you can tend and cultivate with the water life and the Word and Spirit.

I’m hours away from my next Brazil mission. Where I’ll be the conference speaker in four cities. I would appreciate knowing you are praying with me. All I want is rain on my garden!

Blessings to each of you,

Dan Duke

OS Vencedores

Posted in Sem categoria on February 12, 2016 by Dan Duke


Parece que as provações, testes e pressões estão crescendo no Corpo de Cristo. Não sei se isso está acontecendo em geral, mas é óbvio que alguns de nossos irmãos estão enfrentando algumas circunstâncias extremas. Eu conheço pessoalmente alguns que têm sofrido perdas trágicas e grandes desastres em suas vidas pessoais. Tenho recebido pedidos de oração urgentes daqui e do exterior recentemente. Parece que o preço do ouro aumentou. Deixe-me explicar sobre esse princípio do preço do ouro.

Na mesa redonda que aconteceu recentemente em Jacksonville, Flórida, eu citei as doze promessas mais ponderosas, entre as quase cinco mil ou mais promessas encontradas na Bíblia. Essas promessas vão do acesso à árvore da vida até ser uma coluna no templo de Deus e muitas outras. Em minha opinião, elas são as maiores de todas as promessas; no entanto, tais promessas não são para a população cristã em geral, mas para aqueles “que têm ouvidos para ouvir o que o Espírito está dizendo a igreja” e aos “vencedores”. As maiores promessas são para os vencedores!

Que maneira melhor para descrever um “vencedor” senão dizendo: “Eles venceram algo”? O mundo está enlouquecido pelo espírito do anticristo. A perseguição aos cristãos é a maior de todos os tempos e milhões estão enfrentando desafios enormes. Qual a razão disso tudo e qual deveria ser nossa reação? Tudo que posso dizer é: “vença para ser um vencedor”.

Indiscutivelmente, um dos homens mais perseguidos em todos os tempos foi o apóstolo Paulo. Ele sempre foi muito claro sobre suas experiências em “cada cidade” e quando leio a lista, eu consigo ter uma melhor perspectiva da minha própria vida e, com certeza, eu não trocaria os meus problemas pelos de Paulo! Eu creio que a experiência de Paulo e revelação do propósito eterno de Deus explicam a exortação encontrada em 1 Coríntios 13:10, vamos ler:
“Não sobreveio a vocês tentação que não fosse comum aos homens. E Deus é fiel; ele não permitirá que vocês sejam tentados além do que podem suportar. Mas, quando forem tentados, ele mesmo lhes providenciará um escape, para que o possam suportar”.

Deixe-me fazer uma pequena observação aqui. Neste versículo a palavra “escape” é a palavra grega “eb-bas-is” que significa “passar por”. Deus não está nos oferecendo uma saída de emergência! Ele criou uma maneira de passarmos por circunstâncias saindo delas vitoriosos! Somos vencedores, não fugitivos. Não estamos buscando uma forma de escapar; buscamos uma forma de ser parte dessa grande companhia de vencedores que herdará todas as coisas!

O propósito de vencermos agora nessa era é nos qualificar para governar e reinar com Jesus na era futura. Os vencedores serão tomados para Deus e Seu trono para sentarem com Jesus. Será então que principados e potestades serão lançados e substituídos por aqueles achados dignos “daquela ressurreição”. Há uma ressurreição para a companhia dos vencedores que, pela fé e perseverança vencem o maligno e alcançam um lugar em Deus.

Parece que poucos cristãos percebem que há algo a alcançar nesta vida; algo melhor do que ir para o céu quando você morrer e sentar em alguma mansão lá em cima. Citando novamente o apóstolo Paulo em sua oração, “para, de alguma forma, alcançar a ressurreição dentre os mortos” (Fl 3:11). A que ressurreição ele se refere? O que ele viu que tantos cristãos não estão vendo? Já que a Bíblia fala de uma “melhor ressurreição” em Hebreus 11:35, eu concluo que se há uma melhor ressurreição, então deve haver mais de uma!

O apóstolo João viu tronos e aqueles que se assentavam nestes e que receberam o direito de jugar. Ele segue descrevendo-os e conclui com isso: “Felizes e santos os que participam da primeira ressurreição! A segunda morte não tem poder sobre eles; serão sacerdotes de Deus e de Cristo, e reinarão com ele durante mil anos”. A “primeira ressurreição”, eu realmente me pergunto do que se trata tudo isso. Apocalipse 20:4-6 nos diz que eles são os vencedores! Quem quer ser um vencedor?

O apóstolo Paulo considerou seus problemas como uma “leve aflição”. Você já leu a história dele? Você já contou a lista de obstáculos que ele teve que enfrentar em cada cidade? Eu não os chamaria de leves! Obviamente, ele viu algo em sua visita ao terceiro céu que nós ainda não vemos. Obviamente, ele sabia de uma “melhor ressurreição” que precisa ser alcançada. Obviamente, ele viu um propósito mais alto e reconheceu que o Deus Soberano do universo nunca perde o controle de qualquer situação que seus eleitos estejam enfrentando. Eu continuo afirmando que eu creio que Deus nunca vai mandar você entrar em uma luta que Ele sabe que você não poderá vencer!

Até mesmo o fato de você se encontrar em tal batalha, talvez uma batalha por sua própria vida, deveria ser prova suficiente de que Deus sabe que você tem o que é necessário para vencer. Mas, você tem que vencer! A luta é real assim como é a promessa. Eu encorajo você a elevar a sua visão e olhar a partir da sua posição celestial em Cristo. Agarre a promessa em Filipenses 4:13 “Posso (venço) todas as coisas em Cristo que me fortalece”.

Estamos em uma corrida para ganhar o prêmio, um prêmio eterno. Ganharemos coisas eternas vencendo coisas terrenas. Talvez você já me ouviu dizer: “Somos estagiários nesta vida para podermos ser chefes na próxima”. As batalhas que enfrentamos aqui são a preparação para as batalhas que enfrentaremos na era futura quando sentarmos “junto com Jesus no Seu trono governando com Ele sobre as nações da terra”. Se as nações terão que ser governadas com uma vara de ferro, então eu presumo que haverá alguma forma de resistência. O que os apóstolos viram que tantos não veem hoje?

Eu não acho que sei tudo, mas eu creio que esta vida e as batalhas que enfrentamos aqui não se comparam com a glória que será revelada em nós! Títulos terrenos, ministérios e dons espirituais um dia passarão. Quando isso acontecer, eu temo que muitos se acharão de mãos vazias! Os dons são “em parte”, mas nós somos chamados não em parte, mas em plenitude! O que você vai levar com você para a era vindoura?

Esta é uma pergunta que todos deveríamos considerar com toda sinceridade. O apóstolo Paulo enfatiza a questão que os dons espirituais têm um “até que”. Eles estão aqui “até que todos alcancemos a unidade da fé e do conhecimento do Filho de Deus, e cheguemos à maturidade, atingindo a medida da plenitude de Cristo”. Leia este versículo novamente e veja que seus testes, provações, tentações e desafios são sua oportunidade de vencer! Glória a Deus! “Todas as coisas, todas as coisas, todas as coisas operam para o bem daqueles que amam a Deus e são chamados segundo o Seu propósito” Essa pessoa é você? Você O ama? Ele chamou você para um propósito? Então, muito bem!

Ou você é um dos muitos que não têm qualquer plano ou visão para a próxima vida? Eu encorajo você a não perder de vista o eterno propósito de Deus, o qual é “Cristo em você, a esperança da glória”. Estamos aqui para ser qualificados a reis e sacerdotes ou prefiro dizer um “Sacerdócio Real”. Nosso irmão, o Rei Jesus é o primogênito entre muitos irmãos. Ele é tanto O Rei como é O Grande Sumo Sacerdote do Seu reino eterno. Este é o seu destino, meu amigo e amiga. Há algum outro chamado mais alto, uma maior honra ou privilégio ou alegria do que ser chamado para sentar ao lado do Senhor Jesus em Seu reino como um filho plenamente maduro e coerdeiro com Ele? Que maior ambição poderíamos ter além desta?

Com todo amor.
Dan Duke

The Overcomers

Posted in Sem categoria on February 9, 2016 by Dan Duke



It seems the trials, testing’s, and pressures are increasing in the body of Christ. I don’t know if that’s generally true but it’s obvious that some of the brethren are facing some extreme circumstances. For example I know personally of some who are facing tragic losses and potential disasters in their personal lives. I have received urgent prayer requests from here and abroad in recent days. It appears the price of Gold has risen. Let me explain.


In the recent Round Table meeting in Jacksonville, Florida I quoted the twelve most powerful promises of all the approximately five thousand or so promises found in the Bible. Those promises range from access to the tree of life, to being a pillar in the temple of God, and many others. They are in my opinion the greatest of all promises and they are made, not to the general Christian population but to those “with ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church” and the “overcomers.” The greatest promises are given to the overcomers!


What better way to describe an “overcomer” except to say, “They have overcome something”? The world is insane with the anti-Christian spirit. The persecution of Christians is at an all time high and millions are facing huge challenges. What’s the point and what should be our response? I can say it simply, “overcome or be overcome!”


Arugably one of the most persecuted men of all time was the apostle Paul. He was quite open about what he experienced in, “every city” and as I read the list I gain a better perspective of my life and, for sure, I would not trade my troubles for his! I think Paul’s experience and revelavion of God’s eternal purpose uniquely qualifies his exhortation found in1 Corinthians 13:10. Let’s read,

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it.


Allow me to make a simple observation here. In the verse the word “escape” is the Greek word “ek-bas-is” meaning “to go through.” God is not offering an escape hatch! He’s made a way to go through every circumstance and come out victoriously! We are overcomers not escape artist! We are not looking for a way out; we are looking for a way in to that great company of overcomers who will inherit all things!


The point of overcoming now in this age is so we will be qualified to rule and reign with Jesus in the next age. The overcomers will be caught up to God and His throne to sit with Jesus. That’s when principalities and powers will be cast down and replaced by those counted worthy of “that resurrection.” There is a first fruits resurrection for the company of overcomers who by faith and endurance have overcome the wicked one and attained a place in God. It would seem few Christians realize that there is something to attain in this life; something better than going to heaven when you die and sit in some mansion somewhere. Again to quote the apostle Paul in his prayer, “if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.” (Philippians 3:11) What resurrection is he referring to? What did he see that so many are not seeing? Since the Bible speaks of, a better resurrection” in Hebrews 11:35 I conclude if there is a better resurrection then there must be more than one!


The apostle John saw thrones and those who sat upon them unto whom judgment was given. He goes on to describe them and concludes with this, “Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” The “first resurrection” Really, I wonder what’s that’s all about? Revelation 20:4-6 tells us they are the overcomers! Who want’s to be one?


The apostle Paul counted his troubles as a “light affliction”. Have you read his story? Have you counted the list of obstacles he faced in every city? I wound not call them light! Obviously he saw something on his visit to the third heaven that we need to see. Obviously he knew of a “better resurrection” that must be attained to. Obviously he saw a higher purpose and recognized that the Sovereign God of the universe is never out of control of any situation that His elect are experiencing. I go on record as saying,


     I believe God will never send you into a fight He knows you cannot win!

The very fact you are in such a battle, maybe for your very life, should be proof enough that God knows you have what it takes to win. But you must do the winning. The fight is real but so is the promise. I urge you to lift your vision and see from your heavenly position in Christ. Lay hold on the promise in Philippians 4:13 “I can do {prevail in} all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


We are in a race to win a prize, an eternal prize. We gain eternal things by overcoming earthly things. Perhaps you have heard me say, “We are interns in this life in order to be masters in the next.” The battles we face here are to prepare us for the battles we will face in the future age while sitting “together with Jesus in His throne ruling together with Him over the nations of the earth.” If the nations must be ruled with a rod of iron then I assume there will be some resistance. What did the apostles see that so many are not seeing?


I don’t presume to understand it all but I do believe that this life and the battles we face here are not to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us! Earthly titles, ministries, and spiritual gifts will one day pass away. When that happens I fear many will be left empty handed! Gifts are “in part” but we are called, not in part, but in fullness! What will you take with you into the next age? That is a question each of us should ponder with the upmost sincerity. The apostle Paul emphasizes the point that spiritual gifts and ministries have an “until”. They are here “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect {mature} man, unto {look closely at this} the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”. Read that again and see that your test, trial, temptations, and challenges are your opportunity to overcome! Praise God! “All things, all things, all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Is that you? Do you love Him? Has He called you for a purpose? Then it’s good!


Are you one of the many who have no plans or vision for the next life? I encourage you don’t lose sight of God’s eternal purpose, which is ”Christ in you, the hope of Glory.” We are in this life to qualify ourselves as Kings and Priests or as I prefer say “A Royal Priesthood”. Our Brother, King Jesus, is the first born among many brothers. He is both The King and The Great High Priest of His eternal kingdom. That’s your destiny my friend! Is there any higher calling, honor, privilege, or joy than to be called to sit along side The Lord Jesus in His kingdom as a fully mature son and joint heir with Him? What should possibly be more sought after than this?


I travel to Brazil this month to minister in four events. I will have the privilege of speaking to thousands of people and hundreds of church leaders. If you are able to help with the expenses I will be most grateful.



My love to all,


Dan Duke



America in Crisis

Posted in Sem categoria on June 15, 2015 by Dan Duke

For many years my letters were appeal letters giving testimonies of my travels and what was being accomplished. I reported the miracles and the souls that were saved. Virtually each of you reading this letter will remember those days and those letters. Little has changed in my ministry over the years. I still travel frequently, miracles continue to happen, and souls continue to be saved as much if not more than ever. And I still depend on the support of the body of Christ as I always have.

However, some months ago my heart was stirred to change the focus of my monthly letters from writing about what I’m doing to writing about matters that may directly affect you in your walk with The Lord Jesus. I want to give something back and invest in your life as you have done in mine. Some of even you look to me for varying levels of leadership and to that I must be faithful. Last month I wrote about the birthright and the church of the firstborn. The response was good and I appreciate it.
This month I want to share with you about my concern with the direction our nation is going. Though this may not appear to be particularly “spiritual” I humbly ask you to read, ponder, and consider what I have to say.
To be clear and as direct as I can be, America cannot sustain its present course. We are a nation in deep trouble particularly morally and financially!
Perhaps some Christian leaders can see these things and remain silent. I can’t! I see the deplorable moral decline, the blatant political corruption, the misinformation and secret negotiations coming out of the White House. I see a failing economy fostered by unsustainable debt and the endless printing of paper money whereby each new dollar bill coming off the press is worth less than the previous one!
The well-known news reporter, Bill O’Reilly, recently asked during his internationally televised program, “Where are the priest’s and the preachers today? Why aren’t they speaking out?” I believe some are and I commend them for doing so. As a preacher myself I serve as a watchman on the wall responsible to fix my gaze on the horizon, see what is approaching in the distance, and sound the appropriate trumpet call. From my place on the wall what I see coming is not friendly! This is my trumpet call!
Do I believe Jesus will take care of His people in any situation? Yes I do. I also believe Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and show us things to come.
Consider for a moment this verse of Scripture…
“A prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself; but the simple {Lit.
Seducible} pass on and are punished {Lit. inflict a penalty}” Proverbs 27:12
That is to me a sobering verse of Scripture that pierces my heart like an arrow!

Sometimes people of faith, like us, can be a bit simple and naïve. Sometimes we are even the blind being led by the blind. Those are strong words I know and I’m being cautious so as not to offend but I do want to appeal to your good sense.
There are those predicting God’s judgment on America. I’m not one of them. What I’m warning you about is the results of ungodly and greedy men, including many bankers and politicians, who know how to manipulate the financial system and become enormously wealthy at the expense of decent hard working people. I don’t necessarily see that as the judgment of God. Something can be human or satanic in origin without being a direct act of God’s Judgment. If God is judging America then so be it we accept His righteous judgment. If on the other hand what we see is man’s doing we can deal with that. That’s the position I’m taking. During the height of The Great Depression the unemployment never rose above twenty-five percent. While it’s true millions suffered, it’s equally true millions more got along just fine and even prospered. The bottom line is some were prepared while others were not.
I’m not predicting another great depression but I see a continuing recession, a falling dollar, and a possible deflation of the U.S. currency. According to various sources the IMF is now planning its move to replace the U.S. Dollar as the number one reserve currency in the world. You may not know what that means but I assure you if that happens the life style of every U.S. citizen will change dramatically. The incessant printing of paper money to pay only the interest on borrowed money is clearly a one-way street leading to disaster. Can anyone borrow money on one credit card to pay the interest on another without touching the principle amount borrowed? Yes, but not indefinitely. Eventually the day of reckoning comes. America is not there yet but it’s inevitable and it’s not going to be pretty!
Up to now I’m addressing the financial aspect of the crisis. Much could be said about the moral decay. Perhaps you’ve heard of the man, the Olympic gold medalist, who is now a woman. He/she is in the media most every day and almost risen to hero status for “coming out”! Barack Obama refused to call the widow of a fallen hero, the American sniper, Chris Kyle, to give condolences after his senseless murder, but he took time to call a professional football player to congratulate him for “coming out” as a homosexual! That is sick my friend! The President is also the man who declared, “America can no longer be called a Christian nation”! What happens in the White House, the Supreme Court, and Wall Street affects each of us directly. There is no avoiding it. And believe it or not what happens in those three locations directly affects the moral climate of Amearica.
Even now the Supreme Court is considering same-sex marriage. Abortion on demand is so entrenched in our culture that it’s taken for granted. The looming financial crisis has been years in the making but it will certainly reach the tipping point until “suddenly” something happens. Millions will be caught completely off guard.
Consider this. Our Blessed Heavenly Father, on His way to Sodom, stopped by Abraham’s tent to reveal His plan to destroy the city. During that visit, and in His mercy, He engaged in a negotiation with Abraham to spare the city! “If there are ten righteous I will spare the city.” God would have preferred to spare the city if He could righteously do so. He also went so far as sending two messengers to warn Lot to get his family out. If the situation in America has passed the point of no return God will at least warn His people to “get out” which could be the same as “be prepared”. If one knows where to listen he will hear creditable people issuing clear warnings and offering clear suggestions of how to weather the coming storm. Remember, The Holy Spirit is sent to show us things to come and, by implication, have us prepared.
God is inviting the “prudent” of today to prepare for His next move. Oh yes, a move of God is underway. Greedy men are planning their move, foreign governments are planning their move, and God is planning His. Consider again…
“Darkness will cover the earth, and thick darkness the people: but The Lord shall
arise upon you, and his Glory shall be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:2
Who can perdict what form the darkness will take? It may be all inclusive, financial, moral, war, famine, civil unrest, terrorism, or a dozen other things. But for sure many will know it’s coming and are prepared to stand as a light in the world.
There are many resources available to those desiring to educate themselves on current events, well-founded predictions, and reasonable preparations. The great thing about preparation is you cannot lose. If the crisis you prepare for never comes you’ve lost nothing. If the crisis comes, you have made yourself ready. It’s like saving for a rainy day. If the day never comes, you’ve lost nothing by being prepared.
I’m heeding my own counsel and making a few preparations to be ready for an uncertain future should it come. A major crisis could occur without warning, it could be an Internet security breach like the one that just happened. The Banking system is extremely vulnerable to such an attack. I recommend you keep a reasonable amount of cash on hand in case your bank is shut down for a week or two. The stock market is a prime target to shutdown our national economy. The utility grids that send electric power to our homes are always the subjects of cyber warfare. What will you do if you have no electricity in your home or office? One terrorist attack can shut down every airport in America. It’s happened before. The supply of fresh water could be disrupted or contaminated. If you stop and take a moment to think about it we are a very venerable people. There is no need to panic or fear, just take some reasonable precautions. You who live in Florida know what it’s like when a hurricane warning is issued. People run to the merchants and buy every roll of toilet paper in the place! Why not buy some now and store it away? It is very unlikely Florida will never experience another hurricane and it’s equally unlikely the U.S. can continue it’s present course without serious consequences. Be prepared!
I hope you know me well enough to I’m not “going off the deep end”. I’m not predicting doom and gloom. I’m appealing you, my Christian friends, to not be caught unaware. I’m not saying the sky will fall tomorrow. I’m not saying a catastrophe will occur tomorrow. However, I want to be clear in saying the present course America is pursuing cannot be sustained, the course can, and hopefully will be changed, by a new admiration, but the present course cannot continue without dire consequences.
For me to write a traditional appeal letter is simple compared to a letter such as this. I have pondered every word. I’ve laid awake at night debating whether or not to bring these thoughts to you. Finally at the end of the day I came to the conclusion I cannot be silent. I’m indebted to you. The words written here are not intended to be prophetic. The conclusions I’ve come to are based totally on natural reasoning and common sense. Can God intervene? Of course He can. Will He? I don’t know. I hope so. But we who know the ministry of the Holy Spirit should be prepared for whatever comes?
So here it is my friend. I’ve laid it out as clearly and briefly as I’m capable of doing. Please consider what I’m saying. I want more than anything to see my family and friends stand in a difficult or evil day. I want to be prepared for the next “hurricane” when it comes.

Your comments and concerns are equally welcomed.

Dan Duke
Our ministry is supported by the generous gifts of those who share our passion for Jesus.

Go in, come out with something, bless the people

Posted in Sem categoria on August 5, 2014 by Dan Duke

Decisions Decisions

Posted in Sem categoria on December 3, 2012 by Dan Duke


Tudo em sua vida está de certa forma, ligado diretamente a uma decisão, uma decisão sua ou de alguma outra pessoa.

Este livro foi escrito para ajudá-lo em seu processo de decisão.


Alguns anos atrás um pregador da fé, bem popular criou a frase “decisão de qualidade”. Essa foi sua maneira de definir a diferença entre simplesmente decidir uma coisa e fazer um compromisso de coração. Quantas vezes você já decidiu, por exemplo, perder peso? Parecia que isso era uma boa coisa a fazer, então você “decidiu” fazer. Bem, você fez o que havia decidido? Você perdeu peso e permaneceu na sua decisão? Se sua resposta for “sim”, então você tomou uma decisão, se for “não” você não fez uma “decisão de qualidade”.

O tipo de decisão sobre o qual escrevo vai mais fundo, bem mais profundo que uma simples tentativa de fazer algo, e abre muito espaço para o fracasso, quando continuar naquilo que decidiu se torna difícil, e invariavelmente a dificuldade virá. O profeta Jó diz: “Determinarás um negócio e este te será firme”. Sobre que tipo de decisão você acha que ele está falando? Esse tipo de decisão é o propósito deste livro.

Quando você realmente entender o que estou comunicando, você irá valorizar o seu privilégio de decisão mais do que nunca. Isso é muito bom, e se eu conseguir fazer comunicar bem, sua vida se tornará produtiva e realizada muito além de tudo que você poderia jamais imaginar.

Escrever é uma tarefa difícil pra mim, e eu evito ter de fazê-la. Escrever requer muito mais paciência e diligencia do que falar, sem mencionar mais fatos e raciocínio sólidos. Um texto uma vez escrito e impresso não pode ser mudado então é melhor que eu faça bem feito na primeira vez. O fato de você estar lendo este livro indica que eu fiz uma “decisão de qualidade”. Se você nunca tiver este livro em suas mãos significa que eu simplesmente pensei que isso poderia ser uma coisa boa e nunca o completei.

Nunca é uma boa ideia começar algo, qualquer coisa, e não terminar. Quando você faz isso, você está treinando seu homem interior, o seu espírito para desenvolver uma mentalidade fracassada e você determina, para si mesmo, sua integridade. Se você não valoriza sua integridade o suficiente para terminar o que começou, você sempre aceitará o fracasso e o justificará em sua mente, porém seu homem interior sabe disso e sua autoestima diminui.

Quando você sabe que tudo o que você começa você deve e irá completar, isso irá afetar grandemente suas decisões e suas palavras. Eu tenho diversas experiências de falar algo a alguém sem refletir antes, o que me custou caro! Se eu falo algo, eu tenho de cumprir, ainda que tenha falado apressadamente, sem pensar. Uma vez que falei, estou absolutamente obrigado a fazer. Meu amigo, isso pode arrancar a indolência de dentro de você! É muito comum as pessoas me dizerem que vão fazer algo, talvez seja algo que eu nem mesmo lhes pedi que fizessem. Poderia ser uma coisa insignificante, mas isso não importa. O tamanho não importa, se você falou, cumpra, sem desculpas. Se você falou que iria fazer algo e então descobriu ser humanamente incapaz de cumprir o que disse, pelo menos seja íntegro o suficiente para ir até à outra pessoa e explicar que você deu uma palavra, porém não poderá cumpri-la e peça desculpas. A pessoa pode dizer: “Ah, não foi nada”, mas você responde, “foi sim, foi minha palavra”.

Meus filhos nunca me perguntaram: “Você promete papai?” Eles cresceram sabendo que se papai fala, ele cumpre. Quão estragada está nossa sociedade ao ponto de haver mais crédito se eu digo “eu prometo”! Existe alguma diferença entre minha palavra e minha promessa? Devemos entender que se eu falo algo é opcional cumprir ou não, enquanto se eu “prometo” então eu provavelmente vou cumprir? Eu não acredito nisso!

Há muitos anos que viajo como missionário internacional e muitas pessoas frequentemente perguntam se poderiam me acompanhar em uma de minhas missões. Eu geralmente concordo e a pergunta seguinte sempre é: “quanto custa?” Que diferença faz o custo? Ou você vai ou não vai. A decisão vem primeiro. Você nunca aborda o COMO até que tenha estabelecido o O QUE.

Minha definição de decisão é: uma dedicação de coração e total comprometimento em cumprir algo que você estabeleceu que faria e o fará, ponto final!



Posted in Sem categoria on November 23, 2012 by Dan Duke


Everything in your life is somehow directly attributable to a decision, yours or someone else’s.

This book is written to help you in your decision making process.

Some years ago a popular faith preacher coined the phrase “quality decision.” That was his way of defining the difference between simply deciding a thing and making a deep hearted commitment. How many times have you decided, for example, to lose weight? It sounded like a good thing so you “decided” to do it. Well, did you? Did you lose weight and keep it off? If you answer “yes” you made a decision, if “no” you did not make a “quality decision'”!

The type of decision I’m writing about goes deeper, much deeper than a simple attempt at something and leaves plenty of room for failure when the going gets tough which it invariably will. The prophet Job says, “you shall decide a thing and it will be established to you.” So what kind of decision do you think he is talking about? That is the point of this book.

Once you truly understand what I am communicating you will value your decision making privilege far greater than you ever have. That’s a good thing and if I’m successful in doing that, your life will become productive and fulfilling beyond what you have previously imagined.

Writing is difficult for me and I avoid having to do it. Writing requires much more patience and diligence than speaking not to mention more solid facts and reasoning. Once it’s written and put to print it cannot be changed so I better get it right the first time. The obvious fact that you are reading this book is an indication I made a ”’ quality decision.” If you never have this book in your hand then I merely thought it a good thing to do someday and never did complete it.

It is never a good idea to begin something, anything, and not finish it. To do so is training your inner man, your spirit, to develop a failure mentality and you undermine your own integrity to yourself! If you do not value your integrity enough to finish what you’ve begun you will always accept the failure and justify it in your mind-but your spirit-man knows and your self esteem diminishes.

When you know that whatever you begin you will, you must, complete will in itself greatly affect the decisions you make and the words you speak. I have several experiences of saying something to someone without thinking it through, and it cost me! If I said it I must do it even if I said it hastily. If I spoke it I am absolutely obligated to do it. That my friend will jerk the slack out of your chain! It is quite normal for someone to say to me that they will do a certain thing, something I may not have even asked them to do, and not do it. It could be the smallest thing but that does not matter. One size fits all and If you speak it do it, no excuses. If you say you are going to do something and discover you are humanly incapable of doing it at least have the integrity to go to that person and explain that you gave a word you cannot fulfill and apologize. They may say, Oh it was nothing?” but you say, “it was something, it was my word.”

While growing up my children never asked me one time, “daddy do you promise?” They grew up knowing if daddy said it he would do it. How has society deteriorated to the point that there is more credibility communicated if I “promise”? Is there a difference between my word and my promise? Is it to be assumed if I say it it is optional whether or not I do it while If i “promise” then I probably will? I’m not buying that!

I’ve been an international missionary for many years and people frequently ask if they can accompany me on one of my missions. I usually reply in the affirmative and the next question is almost always, “how much does it cost?” What difference does it make” I ask them. “Are you coming or not?” if you are coming on a mission trip what difference does it make how much it costs? You are either coming or your not. The decision comes first. You never address the How until you have established the WHAT.

My definition of decision is a heart dedication and total commitment to accomplish something that you have set out to do and you will do it, period!

It’s almost i…

Posted in Sem categoria on June 7, 2012 by Dan Duke

It’s almost impossible to conceive that in February of next year the United States will inaugurate a president that is either a Liberation Theology Socialist or a Mormon Bishop. Unbelievable!  Yet those are the choices we have.


To say this is the most important presidential election in our lifetime is an understatement! The question is, “What do we do.”


With the current administration the debt crisis will increase to support the entitlement mentality and wealth distribution strategy. With the presumed Republican candidate the anti-Christian doctrine of the Mormon religion will be seated in the nation’s highest office. Whatever is released at the top flows down. What comes out of the president’s office affects each of us and every future generation.


Your recognition and response to what’s happening is the determining factor in your future. Some may cloister themselves and try to get by as best they can, or even worse, do nothing and hope things get better. Neither response is appropriate.


I am not aware of a particular divine covenant between God and America. What I am aware of, however, is God’s covenant with Abraham and his seed. That’s us! God considers Christians to be the seed of Abraham and therefore heirs according to the promise.


What does God have to say to Abraham’s descendants? “If My people will which are called by My Name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”   2 Chronicles 7:14


This verse of Scripture rose to national recognition exactly 40 years ago in 1972. A biblical generation is 40 years and here we are again; a national moral crisis and a bleak social and economic forecast facing this generation. Fortunately, very fortunately, in the seventies the U.S. was swept into a powerful move of the Holy Spirit that touched every segment of society. Millions were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. I was one of them.


Our nation’s problems then are the same as now, only worse, but the promise remains, “If My people.” The future of American and the free world is in the hands of the Church. However, the church is not an institution it’s a people within a people, the “called out ones”.


This becomes very personal to each of us. Believe me, I’m taking it very personally! So I ask myself  “what can I do?” I can vote for the candidate that poses the least threat to the future of my children and grandchildren. But is that all I can do? Surely not! We are not a people forsaken by God and abandoned to some “far left” agenda. Not on your life! We are the Bible believing moral majority, pro life, sanctity of marriage, people. We still believe in the Constitution of the United States and that our elected officials are sworn to uphold it.


I’m challenging God’s people everywhere to take God’s promise seriously and apply it personally. Let me tell you what I’m doing as a direct response to what I see as the root problem, which is the spiritual decline of America.  If it’s a spiritual problem, only a spiritual solution will fix it.


This is what I’m doing. I’m daily sitting in His presence for the specific purpose of ministering to Him in worship, prayer, repentance, and consecration. I have purposed to be one of “His people” that fulfills the conditions required for the healing of our land. Can it happen? Is it too late? Have we slipped too far? Is there still hope? Are we headed for a total melt down? Maybe. But I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.


But! Make no mistake about it, only a full-fledged move of God will suffice. This nation must make a turn toward righteousness at the very heart. It has happened before and it can happen again. It must happen.


How can one person make a difference? It’s simple really.  A genuine move of the Holy Spirit is an individual thing that spreads one person at a time. And and it begins with you (and me). The move of God quietly moves from person to person, house to house, until it’s not quiet any more. While it may begin in secret eventually the secret gets out that God is moving!


Jesus is the door, you enter in through Him, don’t look here or there, to this church or that church. It’s personal. It’s individual. Look to Jesus. If you really want to be part of the solution tell that to Jesus. Declare your dedication to work together with Him to turn this nation back to God. He will open the way for you. You can make a difference.


I can’t emphasize this enough, your personal devotion and intimacy with Jesus is the determining factor in your future. Even if God does not visit this nation He can visit you! Even if America cannot be spared you can be spared. Even if America falls you can stand.  If the economy does collapse you can live in heaven’s economy. Though a thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, it does not have to come nigh to you! (The Bible) Believe me, you have nothing to lose getting close to Jesus!


These are serious days my friend but they are good days. In fact, the best days are ahead for the overcoming Christians. Let’s stand ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

Evening and Morning

Posted in Sem categoria on November 21, 2011 by Dan Duke

“And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day.” Genesis 1:5

Every culture I am aware of begins each new day at midnight except one. Israel and the Hebrew nation have the unique distinction of beginning the each new day at sundown. Have you considered the ramifications of that in a spiritual context? That means that each new day begins at dusk and grows darker and darker as the hours pass. By the time the sun rises the day is already half over!

So often folks like us (those who love Jesus) find ourselves in times of darkness and, in some situations, the darkness seems more and more dark. However if we will relax and realize that we are entering a new day which is always introduced by the going down of the sun with the light (understanding) of the previous day perhaps it will help us understand the process and not be afraid of the dark. Because of a trauma in my life as a child I grew up with a fear of the dark. In my childlike innocence I somehow believed there was something there, lurking in the dark, that I could not see and, therefore. to be feared. I was well into my adult years before I faced my fear and discovered it was all a lie. The darkness holds no threat to me.

Likewise, in our walk with God there will be times that the sun seems to have gone down on our path and we only see darkness. That’s normal. You are entering a new day. Eventually light will break on the horizon and you will begin to see clearly once again.

I was recently on an overnight flight heading towards a predetermined destination. As I looked out the small window of the aircraft there was darkness everywhere. It was as we say in English, “pitch black”. I could see nothing. However, I knew the destination and I knew that the pilot had his navigation system in place and even though I could not see through the darkness I knew the dawn would come and I would arrive at my destination safely. At a certain moment after hours in the air I could see a faint glow on the horizon. It was very faint at first glance but right before my eyes I watched the most glorious sun rise! It was magnificent!

What is important, and using the Bible as our reference, by the time I saw the light of day, the day was already half over and I had made steady progress toward my destination.

My friend, there is a pilot safely speeding you along toward your destination. His name is Jesus. His navigation system is perfect and He will bring you safely to your destination which is your destiny and calling. You have nothing to fear. Just remain seated with your seatbelt fastened. You may not be seeing the horizon just yet but it’s not far off. The window of your vision may be small as mine was but nothing can prevent the light of dawn.

I leave you with the words of the prophet, “Watchman, watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, THE MORNING COMES.”

Love you guys. Hang in there.


FCMI – Fellowship of Churches and Ministers – USA October 2011

Posted in Sem categoria on September 26, 2011 by Dan Duke